You must agree to the terms of service before you can complete the order form.
By proceeding you agree to the following:
NINJAnow accepts Cash and Debit, we do not accept Credit Cards at the door.
You accept any and all charges associated with your order, cost of merchandise plus affiliated delivery charge.
In the event that the customer is a minor and items such as cigarettes or alcohol are requested all charges will be paid by legal guardian or parent.
NINJAnow is not responsible for the product from restaraunts or stores. It is only responsible for the delivery of the requested product by the consumer.
Delivery times are not guaranteed and can vary based on weather, roads conditions, construction or staff on hand.
There are no refunds or exchanges on products that have been purchased by our delivery drivers.
NINJAnow will not tolerate abuse of our staff and the proper authorities will be called in the event a staff member is verbally of physically abused.
Prank ordering will be followed up with the law!